Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Little Climber

I'm a first time mom and am seeing life in a whole new way. After being childless for more than 40 years, my daughter, "Lucy" , was born in 2005. She is nearly a year and a half and is developing her own little personality. Her latest mission is the climb on everything, including mom and dad. She has mastered the art of getting onto tables, chairs, the couch, the bed and is now working on her highchair. She apparently likes it way up high, walking on top of the furniture while mom and dad (mostly mom) stand nervously by! It doesn't bother her at all. She just looks at us and laughs.

She also loves to do wheelies in her little car. She is really into cars, squawking with delight everytime a fancy car shows up on television or in a newspaper ad. She likes the little red sportscar, from the movie "Cars". As she was looking at a Kohl's flyer one day, she came running over to me pointing at a picture, screaming "car, car, car". It turns out it was the $2oo plus dollar one that was on sale for a mere $190 bucks. Well, since I've had to give up any kind of a full time job right now to keep an eye on you-know-who, I don't have that kind of cash. She gets all wound up everytime she sees that little red car. I have a feeling one day she will talk me into that really big adult red Porsche. Better start saving my pennies now!!

Then there's the VCR-DVD player and all of its buttons. Those tiny hands are always poking at them to see what happens. So much for those plastic protectors they sell that go in front of the player. "Lucy" loves to yank it away and then go in for the kill. The victim is usually the Christmas movie I'm watching. She also likes to play with the TV remote. She's got her own, but she's starting to notice there are no batteries inside. So much for fooling the baby!

Until next time, lots of love and happy holidays to everyone!

Maryland Mommy


Paul said...

Welcome to Blogland! *waves at Steph and her mom and dad*

"I was getting a cookie for you!"
But I don't want one!"
"Can I have it?"

--A two-year-old and Bill Cosby

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Welcome to Blogland from me too!

If you're nice, Cyg will comment again sometime! *winks*

Paul said...

There's now a new blog for Steph and her mom.